Well, I finished LM on 21 km - it was little under my expectations - but next year hope it will be better :) Otherwise, the weather conditions were really "amazin'" - it was snowing :)
For picture I would like to thank to 3Sporta.
nedelja, 28. oktober 2012
nedelja, 7. oktober 2012
My first 21km this year or first in the last three years :)
Today I spent a nice morning with my friends (Špela & Marko). We decided to try 21km (during running). Well, Špela & Marko did well, I have some crisis in last few miles :) Check the route
I'm registred on half marathon on upcoming event LM in Ljubljana. I've plan to run approx 1:50 (hope will succeed).
I'm registred on half marathon on upcoming event LM in Ljubljana. I've plan to run approx 1:50 (hope will succeed).
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